How could I forget the gingerbread house!?!?! Making gingerbread houses has always proved dificult at the Rasmussen home, however, this year seemed to top them all.
Ryan, Jaxon, and Abby starting to put the house together. Looking good so far.

It's standing, at least for now. Let the decorating begin!

Ryan and Abby hard at work

Doesn't it look good?

I don't know who got more candy, the house or the kids :)

Tara, Jaxon, and Abby.

We were all having such a great time.

So at this point it had started to cave in so we thought of a brillient plan to put it in the fridge. Well as you can see it was to no avail. It still came tumbling down.

After all was said and done this is what we came up with. Doesn't it look great? :) I think we set a record of having it stand for a total of 2 hours max. But we all got a big laugh to say the least and we had a great time doing it together!!