Merry Christmas. Jaxon had 2 weeks off for Christmas break. So we just had 2 weeks of fun. Ryan had been working so hard and many long hours that he was able to take about a week of that time off. We did not go down to mom and dad Ricks this year so we just had fun at home. Jaxon and Ryan showing off their muscles.
Now Abby wanted her turn. Aren't they cute!
The 23rd we spent the day sledding and having fun outside. We tide the sled up to the back of the 4-wheeler and pulled them around the yard.
It was a lot of fun.
Trying to catch up to the sled after falling off.

Ryan taking Abby for a ride on the 4-wheeler.
Now it's Jaxon's turn and Ryan let him drive as you can see by the "look, no hands" in the air.

Ryan, Jaxon and Abby

Ryan, Jaxon and Abby
The whole family after a fun day in the snow.

Now come the big smiles.!!
Looks like only me and Ryan got the memo for crazy picture. :)
Good thing we have our coats on so you can't tell that my muscles are the biggest!!
Muscles again.

Putting the 4-wheeler away, but not without a little ride.

Since we stayed home this year we went all out and this was the setting for our Christmas Eve dinner. We had such a wonderful evening.
After we read the Christmas story out of the bible we set up some luminaries to light the way for the spirit to come into our home that night. The kids loved doing that.

Putting the 4-wheeler away, but not without a little ride.
Since we stayed home this year we went all out and this was the setting for our Christmas Eve dinner. We had such a wonderful evening.
Making cookies for Santa. We made some of the best cookies he ever ate. Snowmen, Gingerbreadman, and even santa cookies. And no we didn't use the glue in the recipe :)
Abby making cookies for Santa. I think she ate more dough than she put on the cookie sheet to bake. But, that's Abby!

Jaxon and Abby liking the frosting off the beaters. Everything had to be tested to make sure it was good enough for Santa

Frosting the cookies, boy that was fun making such a mess! They were very creative, they even put decorations on the Christmas trees with different colors of frosting.
More decorating

Jaxon hard at work making sure the cookies were perfect.

Jaxon showing off two of his best cookies that he made special. Didn't he do such a great job!

Jaxon and Abby liking the frosting off the beaters. Everything had to be tested to make sure it was good enough for Santa
Frosting the cookies, boy that was fun making such a mess! They were very creative, they even put decorations on the Christmas trees with different colors of frosting.
Jaxon hard at work making sure the cookies were perfect.
Jaxon showing off two of his best cookies that he made special. Didn't he do such a great job!
Christmas Eve they got to open the gifts that they got for each other. They were so excited.

Jaxon got Abby a princess fishing game.

Now it is Jaxon's turn to open the gift Abby got for him.
Abby got Jaxon a Batman shake car. He thought that was jus AWESOME. It kept going off everytime it was bumped. It was pretty funny.

Christmas Eve after Santa had come. They must have been good kids. Jaxon woke up about 10:30 pm and was pretty worried that Ryan and I were still awake. He said to us "If you don't go to bed, how is Santa going to come." Boy do I wish we could have gone to bed that early. We were up for hours putting togther Abby's doll house.

Christmas moring was a wonderful time. Jaxon snuck in the family room about 6:00 am and broke into his stocking. Once we heard him we thought we had better wake up. We did have to wake Abby up though, we had worn her out the day before. But once she woke up she was just as excited as Jaxon.
Jaxon got Abby a princess fishing game.
Now it is Jaxon's turn to open the gift Abby got for him.