Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Jaxon is playing flag football this year. He loves it. This last game his coach told him to go into the endzone and he would throw Jaxon the ball. Well he did that and Jaxon caught the ball and they scored!! He was so excited about that, we have heard the story at least 3 times a day. He is having a great time getting to play football.
Team pictures
First day of school
Ryan's birthday
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Washington, Oregon, and California trip
Jaxon picked right up on the pool table. He played that game every time we were inside the lodge, which wasn't much, but he loved to play.
We took a walk around the lake that was there and it did not take long for the boys to discover the rope swing into the lake. Jaxon was having a blast watching them swing into the lake, but he really wanted to try it himself.
This was a tepee that they had a good time playing in.
Jaxon and Jacob checking out an old beaver dam. Good thing it was old because they were taking the sticks out and throwing them.
The lodge was right by the horse pasture. The kids loved going out there and petting and feeding the horses.
This horse seemed to be hungry just for Jaxon. :) He just kept nibbling on him. It really was pretty funny.
Abby loved petting the horses also
She did not, however, like to be "eaten" by the horses!
Jaxon and Miriam
The camp had the funnest slip n slide. Kids and adults alike just loved it. You had a tube and slid down and just had a blast. It really was a lot of fun. Abby did not have the patience to wait for the tubes to be blown up. This is her first run.
Jaxon getting ready to take his first run on "shamu".
Abby going down on a tube. You go a lot faster on a tube than just on your bottom. She didn't go without a tube again.
Uncle Sam, Ben, Jaxon, Abby, Zach, and Tommy
Abby loved the pink tubes
We decided to try out the lake. So we took all the blow up toys and played in the water.
We also tried our hands at canoeing. We were pretty good when the wind was not blowing :)
Jaxon and Braden loved canoeing together. They had a great time.
With all the tubes around the lodge someone always ended up inside them trying to walk around. They were fun in and out of the water. Jaxon and Carlie.
Abby loved picking all the flowers. Hope there is some left for others to enjoy :)
One evening we tried our hands at pulling handcarts. This was the girl handcart. Libby, Carlie, and Abby
Now for the boys turn. Tommy, Braden, and Jaxon
All the kids really liked pulling the handcarts. It was a great activity
So Nate and Sarah said they had a great hike for us to go on. We were all very excited and ready to get started. It really was beautiful. Abby and Jaxon on their way up
Still going up and still smiling
This is the entire group of us that came. We were only missing Ryan and Erin and Cameron and their family. 33 in all
All the grandkids minus Erin's two
Well Jaxon and I made it!! Way to go Jax. We had to leave Abby on the trail, she did make it about 3/4 of the way. What a trooper. It was a big hike.
This is the mountain we hiked and yes we were on the top peak. Afterwards Nate said it was a lot steeper than he remembered!?! About 2 miles straight up. My kids did amazing to climb what they did.
Afterward we decided to dip our feet in the nice cool water. Boy it felt good after that hike.
James and Jaxon
James, Jaxon, and Clarissa
This is the beautiful Snoqualmie water fall. It is literally right behind Nate's house. What a sight. It is the biggest waterfall in Washington
After the talent show, Jaxon was playing with the pioneer game that grandma and grandpa brought back for all the children
Abby and Nathan
Waiting to go for a horse ride. Nate, Jacob, Jaxon, Libby, Abby, Gabe, and Hyrum. These are the youngest so they got to ride the horse around the pasture, they had a fun time.
Jaxon all ready to ride.
Samuel was leading Jaxon's horse around
Jaxon loving being able to ride on the horse. Just having a great time
Now it's Abby's turn.
She thought she was pretty cool stuff up there on that big horse
Apparently we were not listening to Abby telling us that she needed a drink, so she took matters into her own hands. She just climbed right up on the spout
Ryan was at camp now so Jaxon was able to finally try the rope swing. He loved it.
Now it was my turn to ride the horse. We went for an hour and a half trail ride.
Ryan and his horse
Grandpa Ricks with Libby and Abby
Grandpa Ricks with Libby, Nate, Gabe, and Jaxon
Waiting for our turn on the low ropes course
Some of the kids having fun on the wood.
Abby swinging to get across
Miriam pushing Abby on the rope
Climbing up over the high tower. Kids first. Jaxon was the first one to go
Now it's Abby's turn
After the Ricks reunion, we headed down the Oregon coast to make our way to California for the Rasmussen reunion. This was our first good view of the ocean and some really big ships.
Cannon Beach, our first official stop in Oregon. It was shorter than anticipated because Jaxon was sick, but the little time we spent there it was a fun place. Abby loved playing on the beach. Poor Jaxon didn't even make it down to the water.
Haystack rock. A very famous rock at Cannon Beach
Dad and Jaxon looking on as Abby and I play for just a second
Sunday right after church in Newport, OR we stopped at Seal Rock. We did not see any seals, but we got there just in time for low tide and we got to see a lot of neat things.
Jaxon wrote his name in the sand
And he wrote Abby's name in the sand
Family picture
Abby showing us the star fish they found
Jaxon also with the star fish, only he did not want to touch it.
Jaxon took this picture of Ryan and I, he did great
Jaxon and Abby with their sea shells
Aren't these trees neat. This is the path to and from the beach. So beautiful
Jaxon's 6th birthday. We were able to celebrate his big day on the road. It was a lot of fun. These are pictures of him opening his presents for his birthday.
Right outside our hotel room. The Rogue River leading into the ocean.
On Jaxon's birthday we took a jet boat tour up the rogue river. It was so much fun. They announced Jaxon's birthday and he thought it was pretty cool that they would know it was his birthday. This boat was just like a jet ski and the driver drove it just like one. We would be going fast and then he would all of a sudden spin the boat in a complete circle. With the white water and the spinning at the end of the trip everyone was soaked.
One of the Blue Herron that we saw
Turkey volture sunning himself
bald eagle
The coolest thing we saw was this bear swimming across the river and then he climbed up the other side. We were so close. It was really neat.
When we stopped for lunch we picked blackberries all the way up. They were so yummy
Jaxon and Abby just loved it
On the way back, after lunch, both Jaxon and Abby fell asleep. But not before Jaxon thanked us for "taking him on the best boat ride ever"!
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