Getting ready to head out. Little did we know what we were in for :)
This is the whole group. Sorry it is sideways, I guess it has a mind of it's own. Ryan, Robyn Fielding, Joe Fielding, Matthew Feilding, John Hull, Mitzi Hull, and Maddi Hull.
This was one of the first lakes we passed. Isn't it pretty with all the lilly pads growing.
Ryan with his misquito net on. The mosquitos were so bad those nets saved out faces. Yet another beautiful lake we passed.
6 miles in we stopped for our lunch break at divide lake.
Looking out over the valley we would soon be crossing.
The entire group overlooking the valley.
After 11 miles we made it to our first destination, Rainbow Lake. We were so excited to get into our tent and rest. We were very sore and the tent was a welcome site.
Ryan on the trail. Day 2
Day 2 _________ Lake.
Ryan had to stop and fish every chance he got.
Ryan fishing again.
Just a beautiful sky at night. The sadle you see is what we are hiking over on day 3 to get near the continental divide.
Ryan on the trail. Day 3
Just another shot of us walking up. You can see both lakes we just came from in the background.
Same location just looking down the other side. This is where we were going. The mountain you see in the background is the countinental divide.
Ryan standing on one of many glaciers. This is the only one we hiked across.
This is just a shot of all the tents. We camped pretty close to each other this time because of the signs of bear we were seeing.
Sitting on a rock in the stream that went right by our camp. Isn't it beautiful!
This waterfall was right by our camp also. It really was pretty. Ryan had a lot of fun fishing this stream. He would catch a fish just about every cast.
One of the many brook trout he caught in the stream.

The view outside our tent.
All the wild flowers were out in full bloom. It was so pretty.
Me by our tent. I was so glad that I packed my good jacket all over with me. The mornings were really quite chilly, but very beautiful.
This was a beautiful waterfall at the other side of our camp. Ryan and I hiked to it while some of the others hiked to the peaks and stood on the continental divide.
I was so glad we hiked to see it. It really was a big waterfall.
Day 4. Along the trail.

On the 4th day we just followed this little stream all the way to the next lake. Ryan, of course had a great time fishing it along the way.
This is the stream. Isn't it pretty?
Looking down the stream.
Crossing the river. We actually crossed many little rivers and streams along the trail. This, however was not one, but I needed a picture of crossing the water. It was quite the balancing act do find the sturdy rocks with a 35 lb backpack on. :)
Just fishing, again.
Another little falls along the river.
Studing the maps and trying to decide where to go. The trail had disappered at this point. Thank goodness someone besides me was the navigator.
Another "brooky" he caught
On the 4th day we just followed this little stream all the way to the next lake. Ryan, of course had a great time fishing it along the way.